I just finished reading Sister Souljah's book Midnight and also re-reading The coldest winter ever. One common theme I've gathered from these books that is completely prevalent today is, How lost and divided our youth are. We all know young girls who wear next to nothing think its alright to show their entire self off with no regard to if or not its alright. These young women I've encountered a lot in my life. They seem to be lost, have their values all out of wack. Maybe it has to do with what examples they see in front of them. Like a girl who rips and runs the streets maybe the product of a mother who works all the time just to make enough to get by and comes from one failed relationship and goes to the next one. So these young girls think "hey, why should i even give my heart to them when they can only hurt me. Why don't i just worry about me and get mines." so they try to attract what they think they want the guy who can give them what they want but in the end they have given up the most important part of themselves. They have given up their reputation, and once that is trashed most times than not all it does is bring more drama your way. More times than not when a girl is rumored to be more than a little sexually active or to be hanging out with the wrong element which can lead to such a reputation. These girls often times end up having to fight in order to bring their reputation back up to par even partially. When these young girls are only out for themselves they often end up back stabbing each other for a young man they assume truly loves them but seeing as how they don't really love and know themselves fully he can just as easily walk into his life as he walked out. Now with that said, what do these girls from here. One thing that stayed stuck in my mind from the coldest winter ever was how winter was always about being the h.b.i.c., and how masculine and rugged man has to be, yet her ideal man was her father a man who had mass amounts of wealth catered to her every whim and didn't do anything that wasn't big and extravagant Yet his income was gained from and illegal lifestyle. Now when girls are looking for things like this from their significant other all they see is the material and nothing beyond that equating someone who can take care of them with their wallets and ability to show off, not necessarily if the person truly and deeply cared for them or even loves them as long as they are being taken care of. The other thing is what about the fact that they become someone's trophy piece and that their opinions or thoughts don't truly matter. these young woman will be the ones that truly need to be shown the other side of life.
Ericka Kimble
Blog Editor for GAW(GrownAssWomen)